Career Initiation Program 2021-2022

As a first year graduate student at UChicago, you are invited to participate in the myCHOICE Career Initiation Program (CIP), a series of virtual seminars and in-person networking opportunities conceived by recent PhD graduates as “the program that they wish they had” when they arrived at grad school. CIP seminars will be led by specialists in their fields and will introduce topics relevant to university acclimation and professional development, among them: facing imposter fears, leadership and communication styles, guidelines for presenting your research, and the landscape of PhD careers. The CIP seminars will alternate with in- person networking events with fellow 1st years and senior students. CIP is entirely voluntary; you can drop in and out of the series as topics interest you. OF COURSE, we think that they’re all essential, so we hope that you’ll attend as many as your schedule allows! You will receive email reminders for each event.
*In-person networking events will alternate with seminar weeks.*

Winter Quarter Seminars (Zoom)

Monday, January 10, 5:30 – 6:30 PM: Productivity & Time Management (Visit the webpage to learn more and register for the Zoom link)
Monday, February 7, 5:30 – 6:30 PM: The Landscape of PhD Careers (Visit the webpage to learn more and register for the Zoom link)
Tuesday, February 22, 5:30 – 6:30 PM: Being a Science Ambassador

Winter Quarter Networking Events (In-Person)

Tuesday, February 22, 6:30 – 8:00  (Room: William Eckhardt Research Center 161)