Electron Microscopy Skills & Core Management
Advanced Electron Microscopy Facility
Joe Austin, Technical Director, Advanced Electron Microscopy Facility
Background & Internship Description
Electron Microscopy is in the midst of a scientific renaissance. The combination of supercomputing, improved detectors, and enhancements of electron microscope optics have made electron microscopy an emerging technique, that can do more than generate pretty pictures. However, electron microscopes are extremely expensive, and require patience and precision to optimize for the best results. Many universities are now consolidating their electron microscopy recourses into core facilities, directed by PhD level scientists that can help inexperienced users integrate these techniques into their research endeavors, help generate revenue to support the capital equipment service costs and manage the equipment and users. Running a core facility has three main components, 1) Scientific engagement (working on your own project or collaborative projects), 2) Administrative (budget, management of personnel, users, and equipment), and 3) Promotion (getting non-users excited about using the core). The Intern will have the opportunity to be involved in all three facets of Core Facility Management.
Specific Objectives
The Intern will learn the basics of electron microscopy and how to use cutting edge equipment (a project will be provided, either working with a current user on their project or a technique development project).
The Intern will join in on core management issues, such as working with our technician, project and budget management discussions, and industry connections.
The Intern will have the opportunity to interact with core users and PIs.
The Intern can be involved with the updating of website content and other promotional activities.
Must be able to work independently, have a desire to learn a new skill set, and good verbal communication skills. Please provide your CV and a cover letter describing your interest in this internship and how this experience is applicable to your career goals.