The AAAS Fellowship: Application & Selection Process
Monday, May 6th, 2024, 5:30 – 6:30 PM CST (Virtual)
Do you want to transition into a career in science policy focusing on policies, actions, and plans that affect the conduct of science & research, especially as it pertains to serving the public interest? Many trainees enter science policy careers through fellowships such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & Technology Policy Fellowship. Science & Technology Policy Fellowships provide opportunities for outstanding scientists and engineers to learn first-hand about policymaking while contributing their knowledge and analytical skills to the federal policymaking process. Join our one-hour seminar for advice and insight from previous awardees and professionals in this field on the AAAS application and selection process and their advice on how to use your scientific training to support your entry into this career path.
Sapana R. Vora, PhD
Senior Professional Staff Member, Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee, U.S. Senate
Since becoming a science and technology policy fellow at the U.S. Department of State, Dr. Vora has pursued a career path in international and national security, with an emphasis on biosecurity, biodefense, and global health security. She is primarily interested in how the international community, with leadership and/or strong participation from the U.S. government, can strengthen global capacity and cooperation to combat natural and intentional biothreats. Dr. Vora holds a Ph.D. in Cancer Biology from the University of Chicago.
Trudy Vincent, PhD
Senior Associate Vice President for Federal Relations, Office of Federal Relations
Trudy leads the Washington, D.C.-based Office of Federal Relations and represents the University in policy discussions that bear on key University activities, including research funding, student aid, and health care. She also supports faculty and students who engage in policy matters. Prior to joining the University of Chicago in February 2013, Trudy spent 26 years on Capitol Hill, working for three U.S. Senators, including as chief of staff for Sen. Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico. Trudy graduated from Duke University and received her Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Maryland.