In Their Own Words
Words Most Commonly Used to Describe myCHOICE

- 43% of entering grad students said myCHOICE affected their decision to matriculate.
- 79% of current grad students feel myCHOICE is positively impacting their UChicago training.
- 40% of graduate students and 29% of postdocs in the Biological Sciences Division have attended at least one seminar.
myCHOICE has been an invaluable resource for graduate students and postdocs. I feel supported now; it works as a huge incentive to set up a plan, short and long term goals. Success is ultimately up to us, but at least now we know we have important tools to help us do it. myCHOICE helps us answer that really scary question…as a scientist what have I learned so far that can help me survive outside of academia?
-Postdoctoral Fellow, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Read more testimonials from trainees and alumni here!