Sustainable Materials Virtual Trek
November 17 – 20, 2020
Application due (revised): October 28th, 2020, midnight CDT
myCHOICE is excited to collaborate with the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering and UChicagoGRAD to offer our inaugural virtual Sustainable Materials Trek! Eight trainees will be selected to join intimate conversations with scientists working in the sustainable materials industry, including companies focusing on engineering solutions in packaging, power, chip technology, medical and home products, and coatings. UChicago trainees from relevant disciplines in the BSD, PSD, and PME are welcome to apply.
The site visit schedule includes:
Networking and honing personal interaction skills is not a typical academic skill that is emphasized in graduate school – even though these may be some of the most important skills you carry with you throughout your career. The best way to improve on these skills is to practice and participate! myChoice Virtual Treks present an opportunity to do this while accumulating valuable insight into the workplace culture of a broad spectrum of industrial R&D environments. Learn about new and interesting industries and companies and talk to their scientific staff to open up new doors and expand your network!
All applicants must be a UChicago graduate student, postdoc, or alum within 2 years of departing the university. Preference will be given to people in their 4th – 6th year of training. Applications from 1st and 2nd year students will not be considered.
Complete the myCHOICE Trek application.
By accepting a seat on the Trek, the trainee is agreeing to attend all virtual videoconferences. Please check your availability for the dates and times listed in the site visit schedule.
- Upon completion of the trek, reflect on your experience in a short statement (< 500 words).
The Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) integrates science and engineering to address global challenges from the molecular level up.
We apply molecular-level science to the design of advanced devices, processes, and technologies. Organized by interdisciplinary research themes, we seek to develop solutions to important societal issues and to educate the next generation of leaders in the fast-growing field of molecular engineering.
We’re here to help you navigate your graduate and postdoctoral career.
UChicagoGRAD is a dedicated resource for graduate students and postdocs to receive personalized, flexible training to complement their academic pursuits—from fellowship and writing support, to career preparation and internships, to training in public speaking and networking.